Monday, October 22, 2012

Home Economics is what they called it -

When I was in high school - the boys took shop and the girls had home economics.  That's just the way it was done.  Guys learned how to build small wood or sheet metal projects and the girls made brownies and learned how to sew.

Today the two worlds have clashed.  I transferred my wing rib and nose rib tracings to wood form stock successfully using a method my wife learned in home economics.

I got some graphite transfer paper from the craft store along with a sewing pattern transfer wheel.  Total cost about $5.00.  And by gosh it worked.

Here are some pictures of the process:

Graphite Paper and the Sewing Transfer Wheel

Put the graphite paper between the tracing paper image and the plywood form stock and trace the shape

Peel it back and view the results.  Some touch up needed but hey - it worked!

Next step - the jig saw to cut out the shapes.  I did the main and nose rib forms on this piece of plywood.  Will be cutting it out using my 10" band saw and then fine tune the shapes with sand paper.  I will post those results too.

Stay tuned!


  1. I notice you are using Plywood...
    I have seen MDF board used more successfully..
    The 'grain' of plywood will give you some difficulties.

  2. Yes, I have seen MDF used too. But I have a few of these pieces of 3/4" ply around so figured I would hone my tracing and cutting skills and see how they work. If things get dicey I can get some MDF. Thanks for the comment.
